Put function in sas sql

Posted: Holin On: 12.07.2017

Have you ever submitted a SAS program or query only to immediately regret it? It usually happens just as you finish clicking the mouse or lift your finger from the F8 key: You immediately wish for access to Life's undo button. When you can't find one of those, you look for a way to cancel the job before it does too much damage.

If you're running in SAS Enterprise Guide, you'll find it here:. If you're running SAS Enterprise Guide 4.

put function in sas sql

If the task contained a query that delegated work to a database, stopping the job should also free up the database process. Then you're free to correct your program or task, and try again. No one else has to know about your little mistake.

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There was a lot of work done in SAS 9. There is also much more power in the hands of the SAS administrator for monitoring SAS processes.

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A task that contains a fairly intense SAS program might not give up control long enough to acknowledge the Stop directive. In this case, you might need to take more drastic measures to stop a runaway job.

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You can right-click on the task in the Task Status window and select End SAS Process. That's the "kill switch" on your SAS session; put function in sas sql will cause the SAS job to end, but it will also end your SAS process and you'll lose whatever WORK data sets you might have accumulated up until that point.

Also, it's sort of up to the database server to decide that there is no longer a SAS session driving it, and that it should stop working on your abandoned job.

It might gracefully clean up, or it might not. Your system admin ruger 77 22 for sale canada probably let you know if it doesn't. He's also co-author of the popular SAS for Dummies book, author of Custom Tasks for SAS Enterprise Guide using Microsoft. NETand put function in sas sql frequent participant on the SAS Enterprise Guide discussion forum.

put function in sas sql

Thanks for the info. I have EG 4. It seems fine with the "End SAS Process" function but you often need to restart EG. Another option, on Windows, is to use something like the pstools from Microsoft SysInternals http: As I understand it a similar approach is possible in Linux.

Cancelling a SAS job gone awry - The SAS Dummy

I haven't tested this with EG, but we are using Base SAS 9. You can find the process id from the name of the SAS work directory and then pskill this process from a DOS prompt: This also suffers from not knowing whether a database session is still active, but does not delete the work directory, although it will end the SAS session.

put function in sas sql

This allows you to define a libname statement in a later session to access datasets in your orphaned work directory. Thanks for the comment. The "Stop" approach which just cancels the current job but keeps SAS running is the kinder, gentler method for the end user to try.

However, as an administrator you might need to occasionally kill runaway processes. Business Technology Blog Directory Subscribe. Cancelling a SAS job gone awry 3.

By Chris Hemedinger on The SAS Dummy August 11, Learn SAS Programming Tips. If you're running in SAS Enterprise Guide, you'll find it here: Right-click on the offending task and select Stop.

Sandro on August 17, 2: It seems fine with the "End SAS Process" function but you often need to restart EG Reply. Robert Meekings on August 18, 6: Chris, Another option, on Windows, is to use something like the pstools from Microsoft SysInternals http: Chris on August 18, 9: Robert, Thanks for the comment.

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